Wednesday, January 30, 2013Leave a Comment
Posted by Paul O'Connor
Dear songwriter-artist, rumor has it you’ve finished your album or EP. Congrats! Hopefully you wrote lots of songs and then recorded only the best and your recording is top notch. Now, question is, how to get a song placement in film and tv, or a commercial. Maybe, you know somebody? It’s hard to beat ‘who you know’ to get a door opened. Or, at least you’ve read an article on getting songs placed in film and tv. Good! Now for the ‘in the trenches’ application of all that book learning—the S & M of the music biz.
Yea, S & M, sales and marketing, but feels like something sado masochistic right? Researching music supervisors. What projects they’re working on. What they’re looking for etc. Most creative type loathe this. And then getting the ‘glad hand’ responses—“Yea, sure, send me a CD!”…”But I sent you one last year”…”Oh!…well send another!” By the way, you don’t happen to have anything that’s like a 40’s Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy?….
If you think of what a supervisor is faced with, a possible megalomaniac director breathing down their neck and 10,000 CDs in a room. If it was you, you would be calling the people you know first—that come to mind because you trust that they have what you need, or at least are not going to waste your time if they don’t.
At OC Company we lend a hand in this department. First and foremost as music is being decided on often times right there on the shoot, in a trailer, the sup wants ‘not muss, no fuss’—something guaranteed that is cleared—no publishing hoops to jump through.
So let’s cut to our chase. That’s what we’re looking for to send to our clients. If you wrote it (or co-wrote it), you also own the recording, and everybody’s on board to have the song represented, let’s hear it. And it better not sound like you recorded with sounds that went out with disco—unless it is disco! If you have any questions, you may find help on our facts page.